Testing AI at the Scale of Big Data
1:55 - 2:55 West Ballroom
Testing AI can be challenging. Testing at the scale of big data can be as well. When I found myself responsible for testing more than 5000 machine learning models that needed to be run on streaming data pipelines that were processing millions of records per second, I stepped up, made a lot of mistakes, and learned some really cool things along the way. In this session, I'll share my journey into testing AI at the scale of big data and cover: - A Few of The Different Kinds of AI (it's not just generative AI!) - Unique Challenges to Testing AI - Unique Challenges to Testing Big Data - Lessons Learned - Stories of Success - Proven Approaches You Can Take
Chris Harbert
Chris Harbert is an industry executive, international conference speaker, host of the Developers Who Test podcast, MBA, and Founder & CEO of Testery: a company that has helped teams from startups to Fortune 500 increase test coverage and improve their CI/CD processes, including putting in place solutions that reliably run more than a million tests per month across multiple teams and testing frameworks. His love of software test automation started nearly twenty years ago when he was a developer doing test-driven development at a company that was early to adopt Agile practices. Today he shares this knowledge and experience with others so we can ship better quality software faster and have more fun doing it.